

Definition of a common interface for all dataloaders.

This abstract base class should be used as parent class when defining new dataloaders, e.g., to support additional file formats.

class flowtorch.data.dataloader.Dataloader[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class to define a common interface for dataloaders.

abstract property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Create a dictionary containing availale fields


dictionary with write times as keys and field names as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

abstract load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

abstract property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


abstract property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


abstract property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:



Classes to work with OpenFOAM cases, meshes, and fields.

The FOAMDataloader class allows to load fields from an OpenFOAM simulation folder. Currently, only the ESI-OpenCFD branch of OpenFOAM is supported (v1912, v2006). The FOAMCase class assembles information about the folder and file structure of a simulation. The FOAMMesh allows loading and parsing the finite volume mesh.

class flowtorch.data.foam_dataloader.FOAMCase(path: str, distributed: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to access and parse OpenFOAM cases.

Most of the attributes and methods are private because they are typically accessed via a FOAMDataloader instance.

_eval_distributed() bool[source]

Check if the simulation case is distributed (parallel).


Collated output is currently not supported/not detected.


True if distributed

Return type:


_eval_processors() int[source]

Get number of processor folders.


number of processor folders or 1 for serial runs

Return type:


_eval_write_times() List[str][source]

Assemble a list of all write times.


a list of all time folders

Return type:



For distributed simulations, it is assumed that all processor folders contain the same time folders.

_eval_field_names() Dict[str, List[str]][source]

Get a dictionary of all fields and files in all time folders.


For distributed cases, only processor0 is evaluated. The fields for all other processors are assumed to be the same.


dictionary with write times as keys and a list of field names for each time as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

build_file_path(field_name: str, time: str, processor: int = 0) str[source]

Create the path to file inside the time folder of a simulation.

  • field_name (str) – name of the field or file, e.g., “U” or “p”

  • time (str) – name of the time folder, e.g., “0.01”

  • processor (int, optional) – processor folder to load the data from; ignored in serial simulation cases; defaults to 0


path to file inside a time folder

Return type:



>>> from flowtorch.data import FOAMCase
>>> case = FOAMCase("./cavity_binary_parallel/")
>>> case._distributed
>>> case._processors
>>> case._time_folders
['0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5']
>>> case._field_names
{'0': ['U', 'p'], '0.1': ['U', 'p', 'phi'], '0.2': ['U', 'p', 'phi'], '0.3': [
    'U', 'p', 'phi'], '0.4': ['U', 'p', 'phi'], '0.5': ['U', 'p', 'phi']}
>>> case.build_file_path("U", "0.1", 1)
class flowtorch.data.foam_dataloader.FOAMDataloader(path: str, dtype: str = torch.float32, distributed: bool | None = None)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Load internal fields and mesh properties of OpenFOAM cases.

The project ofpp by Xu Xianghua has been a great help to implement some of the methods.


>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import FOAMDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["of_cavity_ascii_parallel"]
>>> loader = FOAMDataloader(path)
>>> loader.write_times
['0', '0.1', '0.2', '0.3', '0.4', '0.5']
>>> loader.field_names
{'0': ['p', 'U'], '0.1': ['p', 'phi', 'U'], '0.2': ['p', 'phi', 'U'], '0.3': [
    'p', 'phi', 'U'], '0.4': ['p', 'phi', 'U'], '0.5': ['p', 'phi', 'U']}
>>> vertices = loader.vertices
>>> vertices[:3]
tensor([[0.0025, 0.0025, 0.0050],
        [0.0075, 0.0025, 0.0050],
        [0.0125, 0.0025, 0.0050]])
>>> loader.weights[:3]  # cell volumes
tensor([2.5000e-07, 2.5000e-07, 2.5000e-07])
>>> p = loader.load_snapshot("p", "0.5")
>>> p.shape
>>> p[:3]
tensor([ 4.2993e-06, -5.8226e-03, -1.2960e-02])
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Access to the available field names for all available write times via FOAMCase._eval_field_names().


returns names of availabe fields


Dict[str, List[str]]

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property vertices: Tensor

In OpenFOAM, field for post-processing are defined at the control volume’s center (vol<Type>Fields). Therefore, the vertices property enables access to cell center locations via FOAMMesh.


returns control volume centers



property weights: Tensor

For results obtained using a finite volume method with co-located arrangement (OpenFOAM), a sensible weight for a cell-centered value is the cell volume. The cell volumes are availabe via the FOAMMesh class.


returns cell volumes



property write_times: List[str]

Access to available snapshot/write times via FOAMCase._eval_write_times().


returns the available write times



class flowtorch.data.foam_dataloader.FOAMMesh(case: FOAMCase, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: object

Class to load and process OpenFOAM meshes.

OpenFOAM stores the finite volume mesh as a collection of several files located in constant/polyMesh or in processorXX/constant/polyMesh for serial and distributed cases, respectively. Even though OpenFOAM is a cell-centered finite volume method, the cell-centers and volumes are not explicitly stored. Instead, a so-called face-addressing storage is used. All internal faces have an owner cell and a neighbor cell. Boundary faces only have an owner cell. The mesh attributes are defined in several files:

  • points: list of vertices forming cell faces; the list index of a point is used as label

  • faces: list of all cell faces defined as point labels

  • owner: list of cell labels that are face owners

  • neighbour: list of cell labels that are face neighbors; BE spelling

  • boundary: definition of faces belonging to a patch


>>> from flowtorch.data import FOAMMesh
>>> mesh = FOAMMesh.from_path("./")
>>> centers = mesh.get_cell_centers()
>>> centers.size()
torch.Size([400, 3])
>>> centers[:2]
tensor([[0.0025, 0.0025, 0.0050],
        [0.0075, 0.0025, 0.0050]])
>>> volumes = mesh.get_cell_volumes()
>>> volumes.size()
>>> volumes[:2]
tensor([2.5000e-07, 2.5000e-07])


Dynamically changing meshes are currently not supported.


Distributed meshes may be parsed and concatenated, but the cell centers and volumes won’t have the same ordering as when computed from a reconstructed mesh.

_compute_face_centers_and_areas(points: Tensor, faces: Tensor, n_points_faces: Tensor) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Compute face centers and areas.

The implemented algorithm is close to the one in makeFaceCentresAndAreas. The main steps are:

  1. compute an estimate of the face center by averaging all face vertices

  2. decompose the face into triangles

  3. compute the sum over all area-weighted triangle centroids, triangle areas, and face area normal vectors

  4. compute the face centroid and face area normal from the (weighted) sums

  • points (pt.Tensor) – list of points

  • faces (pt.Tensor) – list point labels forming each face

  • n_points_faces (pt.Tensor) – number of points forming each face


tuple of two tensors; the first one holds the face centers and the second one holds the face areas

Return type:

Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor]

_compute_cell_centers_and_volumes(mesh_path: str) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

Compute the cell centers and volumes of an OpenFOAM mesh.

The implemented algorithm is close to the one in makeCellCentresAndVols. The following steps are involved:

  1. compute an estimate of the cell center as the average over all face centers

  2. compute centroids and volumes of all pyramids formed by the cell faces and and the center estimate

  3. the cell volume equals the sum over all pyramid volumes

  4. the cell center is the volume-weighted average of all pyramid centroids


mesh_path (str) – mesh location


tuple of two tensors; the first one holds the cell centers and the second one holds the cell volumes

Return type:

Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor]

classmethod from_path(path: str, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Create a new instance based on the simulation’s path.

  • path (str) – path to the OpenFOAM simulation

  • dtype (str, optional) – tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE


FOAMMesh instance

Return type:


get_cell_centers() Tensor[source]

Return or compute and return control volume centers.


control volume centers

Return type:


get_cell_volumes() Tensor[source]

Return or compute and return cell volumes.


cell volumes

Return type:



Module to read and write the internal flowTorch data format.

The HDF5Writer class allows to write field and mesh data into an HDF5 file. It also creates an XDMF accessor file for postprocessing in ParaView. The XDMF file creation is implemented in the XDMFWriter class. The HDF5Dataloader class is the complementary writer for the flowTorch data format. Moreover, the FOAM2HDF5 class allows conversion of reconstructed OpenFOAM simulation cases into the HDF5-based flowTorch format.

class flowtorch.data.hdf5_file.FOAM2HDF5(path: str, dtype=torch.float32)[source]

Bases: object

Convert reconstructed OpenFOAM cases to flowTorch HDF5 format.

If the simulation case is decomposed into processor folders/domains, an info statement is displayed and no conversion is performed.


>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import FOAM2HDF5
>>> converter = FOAM2HDF5(DATASETS["of_cavity_ascii"])
>>> converter.convert("cavity.hdf5", ["U", "p"], ["0.1", "0.2", "0.3"])
convert(filename: str, fields: List[str] | None = None, times: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Convert OpenFOAM case to flowTorch HDF5 file.

  • filename (str) – name of the HDF5 file

  • fields (List[str], optional) – list of fields to convert; if None, all available fields are converted

  • times (List[str], optional) – list of times to convert; if None, all available times are converted

class flowtorch.data.hdf5_file.HDF5Dataloader(file_path: str, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Load HDF5-based flowTorch data.


>>> from flowtorch import HDF5Dataloader
>>> loader = HDF5Dataloader("flowtorch.hdf5")
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> p, U = loader.load_snapshot(["p", "U"], write_times)
>>> vertices = loader.vertices
property connectivity: Tensor
property edge_vertices: Tensor
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Create a dictionary containing availale fields


dictionary with write times as keys and field names as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:


class flowtorch.data.hdf5_file.HDF5Writer(file: str)[source]

Bases: object

Class to write flowTorch data to HDF5 file.

Two types of data are supported: - variable: (field) data that changes with times, e.g, snapshots - constant: constant data like mesh vertices or cell volumes

An XDMF accessor file can be created to support visual post-processing with ParaView and other XDMF-compatible software packages.


>>> import torch as pt
>>> from flowtorch.data import HDF5Writer
>>> writer = HDF5Writer("test_file.hdf5")
>>> writer.write("ones", (3, 2), pt.ones((3, 2)), "0.01")
>>> int_data =  pt.ones((3, 2), dtype=pt.int32)
>>> writer.write("ones_int", (3, 2), int_data, dtype=pt.int32)
write(name: str, size: tuple, data: Tensor | None = None, time: str | None = None, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Write data to HDF5 file.

  • name (str) – dataset name

  • size (tuple) – dataset shape

  • data (pt.Tensor, optional) – data to write; if None, dataset is only allocated

  • time (str, optional) – snapshot time, dataset if created in VAR_GROUP if present

  • dtype (str, optional) – data type, defaults to pt.float32


Write XDMF wrapper to access flowTorch HDF5 files in ParaView.

class flowtorch.data.hdf5_file.XDMFWriter(file_path: str, hdf5_file: File)[source]

Bases: object

Create XDMF file to open flowTorch HDF5 files in ParaView.


>>> from flowtorch.data import XDMFWriter
>>> writer = XDMFWriter("flowtorch.hdf5")
>>> writer.create_xdmf("flowtorch.xdmf")
create_xdmf(filename: str | None = None)[source]

Create XDMF wrapper to access flowTorch HDF5 file in ParaView.


filename (str, optional) – name of the XDMF file, defaults to None

classmethod from_filepath(file_path: str)[source]

Create XDMFWriter from file path.


file_path (str) – path to HDF5 file

flowtorch.data.hdf5_file.copy_hdf5_mesh(path: str, from_file: str, to_file: str)[source]

Create a copy of an flowTorch hdf5 file containing only the mesh.

Sometimes, it is helpul to create a new copy of an existing hdf5 file that contains only the mesh, e.g., to create a separate file for POD or DMD modes.

  • path (str) – location of the flowtorch hdf5 file exclusing the filename

  • from_file (str) – name of the file from which to copy the mesh

  • to_file (str) – name of the file to which to copy the mesh


Module to load FOR2895 iPSP data.

The PSPDataloader class allows to load instationary pressure-sensitive paint (iPSP) data provided by DLR (Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum) within the FOR2895 research group.

class flowtorch.data.psp_dataloader.PSPDataloader(path: str, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Load iPSP data and meta data.

iPSP data comes as an HDF5 file with datasets organized in different zones. Each zone has additional meta data related to flow conditions and camera setting. The active zone may be switched by seeting the zone attribute.


>>> from flowtorch import PSPDataloader
>>> loader = PSPDataloader("0226.hdf5")
>>> loader.zone_names
['Zone0000', 'Zone0001']
>>> loader.info.keys()
['AngleAttackAlpha', 'DateOfRecording', 'Mach', ...]
>>> loader.info["Mach"]
(0.903, 'Mach number')
>>> loader.zone_info.keys()
['ExposureTime', 'NumberImages', 'PSPDeviceName', 'SamplingFrequency', 'ZoneName']
>>> loader.zone
>>> loader.zone = "Zone0001"
>>> loader.zone_info["ZoneName"]
>>> loader.mask_names
['Mask1', "Mask2"]
>>> loader.mask = "Mask2"
>>> cp = loader.load_snapshot("Cp", loader.write_times[:10])
>>> cp.shape
torch.Size([250, 75, 10])
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Create a dictionary containing availale fields


dictionary with write times as keys and field names as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

property info: Dict[str, tuple]

Get iPSP metadata valid for entire file.


dictionary of metadata values and descriptions

Return type:

Dict[str, tuple]

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property mask: str

Name of the currently active mask.


name of the activated mask

Return type:


property mask_names: List[str]

Find available binary masks in the HDF5 file.


list of mask names

Return type:


property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:


property zone: str

Get the currently selected zone.


currently selected zone

Return type:


property zone_info: Dict[str, tuple]

Get iPSP metadata for the currently selected zone.


zone metadata

Return type:

Dict[str, tuple]

property zone_names: List[str]

Find the zone names available in the HDF5 file.


ValueError – if no valid zones are found


list of zone names

Return type:



Class and tools to read Visualization Toolkit (VTK) data.

class flowtorch.data.vtk_dataloader.VTKDataloader(path: str, vtk_reader: vtkUnstructuredGridReader | vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '', dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Load unstructured VTK files and time series.

The loader assumes that snapshots are stored in individual VTK files. Currently, only unstructured mesh data are supported.


>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import VTKDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["vtk_cylinder_re200_flexi"]
>>> loader = VTKDataloader.from_flexi(path, "Cylinder_Re200_Solution_")
>>> loader.write_times
["0000000", "0000005", "0000300"]
>>> loader.field_names
{'0000000': ['Density', 'MomentumX', 'MomentumY', 'MomentumZ']}
>>> density = loader.load_snapshot("Density", loader.write_times)
>>> density.shape
torch.Size([729000, 3])
>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import VTKDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["vtk_su2_airfoil_2D"]
>>> loader = VTKDataloader.from_su2(path, "flow_")
>>> p, U = loader.load_snapshot(["Pressure", "Velocity"], loader.write_times[0])
>>> U.shape
torch.Size([214403, 3])
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Create a dictionary containing availale fields


dictionary with write times as keys and field names as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

classmethod from_flexi(path: str, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '.000000000.vtu', dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Create loader instance from VTK files generated by Flexi.

Flexi supports the output of field and surface data as unstructured XML-based VTK files.

  • path (str) – path to folder containing VTK files

  • prefix (str, optional) – part of file name before time value, defaults to “”

  • suffix (str, optional) – part of file name after time value, defaults to “.000000000.vtu”

  • dtype (str, optional) – tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE

classmethod from_su2(path: str, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '.vtk', dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Create loader instance from VTK files generated by SU2.

  • path (str) – path to folder containing VTK files

  • prefix (str, optional) – part of file name before time value, defaults to “”

  • suffix (str, optional) – part of file name after time value, defaults to “.vtk”

  • dtype (str, optional) – tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:



Dataloader and accompanying tools to work with CSV files.

A lot of scientific data is exchanged as comma separated value (CSV) files. While there are many Python packages available to read such data, one has to understand how the data is organized in the CSV file before being able to use the readers properly. Moreover, time series data sometimes come as individual files in a single folder or as time folders with the respective snapshot data inside that folder. This subpackages simplifies access to common CSV-based time series data by trying to figure out appropriate reader settings automatically.

class flowtorch.data.csv_dataloader.CSVDataloader(path: str, prefix: str, suffix: str, read_options: dict, time_folders: bool, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Load CSV files from different sources.

This class allows to load generic CSV files based on Pandas’s load_csv function. Multiple specific formats are supported via class methods.


>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import CSVDataloader
>>> davis_data = DATASETS["csv_aoa8_beta0_xc100_stereopiv"]
>>> loader = CSVDataloader.from_davis(davis_data, "B")
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> times[:5]
['00001', '00002', '00003', '00004', '00005']
>>> loader.field_names
{'00001': ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']}
>>> Vx, Vy, Vz = loader.load_snapshot(['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'], times[:5])
>>> Vx.shape
torch.Size([3741, 5])
>>> foam_data = DATASETS["csv_naca0012_alpha4_surface"]
>>> loader = CSVDataloader.from_foam_surface(foam_data, "total(p)_coeff_airfoil.raw")
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> times[:5]
['0.001', '0.002', '0.003', '0.004', '0.005']
>>> loader.field_names
{'0.001': ['total(p)_coeff']}
>>> snapshots = loader.load_snapshot("total(p)_coeff", times[:10])
>>> snapshots.shape
torch.Size([28892, 10])
>>> vertices = loader.vertices
>>> vertices.shape
torch.Size([28892, 3])
>>> vertices[0, :]
tensor([0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 4.1706e-18])
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Create a dictionary containing availale fields


dictionary with write times as keys and field names as values

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

classmethod from_davis(path: str, prefix: str = '', suffix: str = '.dat', dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Create CSVDataloader instance for DaVis output files.

  • path (str) – path to location of time series data

  • prefix (str) – part of the file name before the time/snapshot number; e.g., if the file name B00001.dat, the prefix is B; defaults to empty string

  • suffix (str) – part of the file name of the time/snapshot number; e.g., if the file name is B00001.dat, the suffix is .dat; defaults to .dat

  • dtype (str) – floating point precision; defaults to pt.float32 (single precision)

classmethod from_foam_surface(path: str, file_name: str, header: int = 1, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Create CSVDataloader instance to load OpenFOAM surface sample data.

The class method simplifies to load data generated by OpenFOAM’s sampling function object if the type is set to surfaces and the surfaceFormat is set to raw. The time series data are stored in individual time folders. The file name remains the same.

  • path (str) – path to location of time folders

  • file_name (str) – file name of individual CSV files, e.g., p_airfoil.raw

  • header (int, optional) – line number in which to find the column names (starting from 0); defaults to 1

  • dtype (str) – floating point precision; defaults to pt.float32 (single precision)

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:



Direct access to TAU simulation data.

The DRL (Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum) TAU code saves snapshots in the NetCFD format. The TAUDataloader is a wrapper around the NetCFD Python bindings to simplify the access to snapshot data.

class flowtorch.data.tau_dataloader.TAUBase(parameter_file: str, distributed: bool = False, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Base class with shared functionality of TAU Dataloaders.

load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load one or more snapshots of one or more fields.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – name of the field to load

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – snapshot time


field values

Return type:

Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]

property write_times: List[str]

Available write times.


list of available write times

Return type:


class flowtorch.data.tau_dataloader.TAUConfig(file_path: str)[source]

Bases: object

Load and parse TAU parameter files.

The class does not parse the full content of the parameter file but only content that is absolutely needed to load snapshot data.

property config: dict
property path: str
class flowtorch.data.tau_dataloader.TAUDataloader(parameter_file: str, distributed: bool = False, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: TAUBase

Load TAU simulation data.

The loader is currently limited to read: - internal field solution, serial/reconstructed and distributed - mesh vertices, serial and distributed - cell volumes, serial (if present) and distributed


>>> from os.path import join
>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import TAUDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["tau_backward_facing_step"]
>>> loader = TAUDataloader(join(path, "simulation.para"))
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> fields = loader.field_names[times[0]]
>>> fields
['density', 'x_velocity', 'y_velocity', ...]
>>> density = loader.load_snapshot("density", times)

To load distributed simulation data, set distributed=True >>> path = DATASETS[“tau_cylinder_2D”] >>> loader = TAUDataloader(join(path, “simulation.para”), distributed=True) >>> vertices = loader.vertices

property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Find available fields in solution files.

Available fields are determined by matching the number of weights with the length of datasets in the available solution files; for distributed cases, the fields are only determined based on domain_0.


dictionary with time as key and list of available solution fields as value

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


class flowtorch.data.tau_dataloader.TAUSurfaceDataloader(parameter_file: str, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: TAUBase

Load TAU surface data.

The loader is currently limited to read and parse reconstructed/’gathered’ surface data from a NetCFD4 container.

Note: the functionality of this class was first implemented by

Sebastian Spinner (DLR) and then refactored and merged into flowTorch.


>>> from os.path import join
>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import TAUDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["tau_wing_surface"]
>>> loader = TAUDataloader(join(path, "simulation.para"))
>>> loader.zone_names
['WingUpper', 'WingLower', 'WingTE', 'WingTipRight', 'WingTipLeft']
>>> loader.zone = 'WingLower'
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> fields = loader.field_names[times[0]]
>>> fields
['x_velocity', 'y_velocity', ...]
>>> cp_lower = loader.load_snapshot("cp", times)
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

Find available fields in solution files.

Available fields are determined by matching the number of weights with the length of datasets in the available solution files; for distributed cases, the fields are only determined based on domain_0.


dictionary with time as key and list of available solution fields as value

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

property mesh_data: Dict[str, Tensor]
property vertices: Tensor

Get the vertices at which field values are defined.


coordinates of vertices

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Get the weights for field values.

In a standard finite volume method, the weights are the cell volumes. For other methods, the definition of the weight is described in the Dataloader implementation.


weight for field values

Return type:


property zone: str

Currently selected block/zone.


block/zone name

Return type:


property zone_ids: Dict[str, Tensor]
property zone_names: List[str]

Names of available blocks/zones.


block/zone names

Return type:



Read Tecplot data via the ParaView module.

class flowtorch.data.tecplot_dataloader.TecplotDataloader(path: str, file_names: ~typing.Dict[str, str], reader: ~paraview.simple._create_func.<locals>.CreateObject, dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Bases: Dataloader

Dataloader for Tecplot binary format.

The dataloader wraps around VisItTecplotBinaryReader available in the ParaView Python module. One level of blocks/zones is expected under the root block/zone


>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import TecplotDataloader
>>> path = DATASETS["plt_naca2409_surface"]
>>> loader = TecplotDataloader.from_tau(path, "alfa16.surface.pval.unsteady_")
>>> loader.zone_names
["ls", "te", "us"]
>>> loader.zone
>>> loader.zone = "us"
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> density = loader.load_snapshot("density", times)
>>> density.shape
torch.Size([300, 3])
property field_names: Dict[str, List[str]]

List of available field names.

The field names are only determined once for the first available snapshot time.


available fields at first write time

Return type:

Dict[str, List[str]]

classmethod from_tau(path: str, base_name: str = '', suffix: str = '.plt', dtype: str = torch.float32)[source]

Construct TecplotDataloader from TAU snapshots.

  • path (str) – path to snapshot location

  • base_name (str, optional) – common basename of all snapshots, defaults to “”

  • suffix (str, optional) – snapshot file suffix, defaults to “.plt”

  • dtype (str, optional) – tensor data type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE


FileNotFoundError – if no snapshots are found


Tecplot dataloader object

Return type:


load_snapshot(field_name: List[str] | str, time: List[str] | str) List[Tensor] | Tensor[source]

Load snapshots of single or multiple fields and write times.

  • field_name (Union[List[str], str]) – single field name or list of field names

  • time (Union[List[str], str]) – single write time of list of write times


snapshot(s) of one or multiple fields

Return type:

Union[List[pt.Tensor], pt.Tensor]

property vertices: Tensor

Points in which field values are defined.


list of points

Return type:


property weights: Tensor

Weight for POD/DMD analysis.

This function returns currently a list of ones, since cell areas/volumes are not accessible via the reader.


list of ones

Return type:


property write_times: List[str]

Available snapshot write times


list of available write times

Return type:


property zone: str

Currently selected block/zone.


block/zone name

Return type:


property zone_names: List[str]

Names of available blocks/zones.


block/zone names

Return type:



Helper tools for building data matrices.

flowtorch.data.selection_tools.mask_box(vertices: Tensor, lower: List[float], upper: List[float]) Tensor[source]

Create a boolean mask to select all vertices in a box.

This function may be used in conjunction with torch.masked_select to select all field values in a box, e.g., when building data matrices.

  • vertices (pt.Tensor) – tensor of vertices, where each column corresponds to a coordinate

  • lower (List[float]) – lower bounds of box; one value for each coordinate must be given

  • upper (List[float]) – upper bounds of box; one value for each coordinate must be given


boolean mask that’s True for every vertex inside the box

Return type:


flowtorch.data.selection_tools.mask_sphere(vertices: Tensor, center: List[float], radius: float) Tensor[source]

Create a boolean mask to select all vertices in a sphere.

This function may be used in conjunction with torch.masked_select to select all field values within a sphere, e.g., when building data matrices.

  • vertices (pt.Tensor) – tensor of vertices, where each column corresponds to a coordinate

  • center (List[float]) – the sphere’s center

  • radius (float) – the sphere’s radius


boolean mask that’s True for every vertex inside the sphere

Return type:



Collection of utilities realted to data and dataloaders.

flowtorch.data.utils.check_and_standardize_path(path: str, folder: bool = True)[source]

Check if path exists and remove trailing slash if present.

  • path (str) – path to folder or file

  • folder (bool) – True if path points to folder; False if path points to file


standardized path to file or folder

Return type:


flowtorch.data.utils.check_list_or_str(arg_value: List[str] | str, arg_name: str)[source]

Check if argument is of type list or string.

If the input is a list, an additional check is performed to ensure that the list has at list one entry and that all entries are strings.

  • arg_value (Union[List[str], str]) – object to perform the check on

  • arg_name – additional argument name to provide informative error message

  • arg_name – str

flowtorch.data.utils.format_byte_size(size: int) Tuple[float, str][source]

Convert number of bytes into human-readable format.

The function is based on this <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12523586/python-format-size-application-converting-b-to-kb-mb-gb-tb> Stackoverflow question.


size – size in bytes


converted size corresponding unit

Return type:

tuple(float, str)


Helper tools to detect and replace outliers in time series data.

flowtorch.data.outlier_tools.iqr_outlier_replacement(data: ~torch.Tensor, k: float = 1.5, nb: int = 3, replace: ~typing.Callable = <built-in method median of type object>) Tensor[source]

Detect and replace outliers based on the inter quantile range (IRQ).

  • data (pt.Tensor) – time series data; time is expected to be the last dimension

  • k (float, optional) – factor controlling the detection sensitivity; smaller values increase the sensitivity; defaults to 1.5

  • nb (int, optional) – number of neighboring points in time to consider when replacing an outlier; points in the range i-nb:i+nb are considered for each outlier i; defaults to 3

  • replace (Callable, optional) – function mapping the neighboring values to the value with which to replace the outlier, defaults to pt.median


clean dataset with the same shape as the input data

Return type:
