Source code for

"""Class and tools to read Visualization Toolkit (VTK_) data.

.. _VTK:

# standard library packages
from os.path import join
from os import sep
from glob import glob
from typing import Callable, Union, List, Dict
# third party packages
import torch as pt
from vtk import vtkUnstructuredGridReader, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader
from vtk.numpy_interface.dataset_adapter import WrapDataObject, UnstructuredGrid
# flowtorch packages
from flowtorch import DEFAULT_DTYPE
from .dataloader import Dataloader
from .utils import check_and_standardize_path, check_list_or_str

[docs] class VTKDataloader(Dataloader): """Load unstructured VTK files and time series. The loader assumes that snapshots are stored in individual VTK files. Currently, only unstructured mesh data are supported. Examples >>> from flowtorch import DATASETS >>> from import VTKDataloader >>> path = DATASETS["vtk_cylinder_re200_flexi"] >>> loader = VTKDataloader.from_flexi(path, "Cylinder_Re200_Solution_") >>> loader.write_times ["0000000", "0000005", "0000300"] >>> loader.field_names {'0000000': ['Density', 'MomentumX', 'MomentumY', 'MomentumZ']} >>> density = loader.load_snapshot("Density", loader.write_times) >>> density.shape torch.Size([729000, 3]) >>> from flowtorch import DATASETS >>> from import VTKDataloader >>> path = DATASETS["vtk_su2_airfoil_2D"] >>> loader = VTKDataloader.from_su2(path, "flow_") >>> p, U = loader.load_snapshot(["Pressure", "Velocity"], loader.write_times[0]) >>> U.shape torch.Size([214403, 3]) """ def __init__(self, path: str, vtk_reader: Union[vtkUnstructuredGridReader, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader], prefix: str = "", suffix: str = "", dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE): """Create a VTKDataloader instance from a folder of VTK files. The loader assumes that the write time is encoded in the file name. :param path: path to folder containing VTK files :type path: str :param vtk_reader: unstructured VTK reader for XML or legacy VTK format :type vtk_reader: Union[vtkUnstructuredGridReader, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader] :param prefix: part of file name before time value, defaults to "" :type prefix: str, optional :param suffix: part of file name after time value, defaults to "" :type suffix: str, optional :param dtype: tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE :type dtype: str, optional """ self._path = path self._vtk_reader = vtk_reader self._prefix = prefix self._suffix = suffix self._dtype = dtype self._write_times = None self._field_names = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_flexi(cls, path: str, prefix: str = "", suffix: str = ".000000000.vtu", dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE): """Create loader instance from VTK files generated by Flexi_. Flexi supports the output of field and surface data as unstructured XML-based VTK files. .. _Flexi: :param path: path to folder containing VTK files :type path: str :param prefix: part of file name before time value, defaults to "" :type prefix: str, optional :param suffix: part of file name after time value, defaults to ".000000000.vtu" :type suffix: str, optional :param dtype: tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE :type dtype: str, optional """ return cls(path, vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader, prefix, suffix, dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def from_su2(cls, path: str, prefix: str = "", suffix: str = ".vtk", dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE): """Create loader instance from VTK files generated by SU2_. .. _SU2: :param path: path to folder containing VTK files :type path: str :param prefix: part of file name before time value, defaults to "" :type prefix: str, optional :param suffix: part of file name after time value, defaults to ".vtk" :type suffix: str, optional :param dtype: tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE :type dtype: str, optional """ return cls(path, vtkUnstructuredGridReader, prefix, suffix, dtype)
def _create_vtk_reader(self, file_path: str) -> UnstructuredGrid: """Create a VTK reader object for unstructured grids. :param file_path: location of the VTK file :type file_path: str :return: VTK reader for unstructured grids :rtype: UnstructuredGrid """ reader = self._vtk_reader() reader.SetFileName(file_path) if hasattr(reader, "ReadAllVectorsOn"): reader.ReadAllVectorsOn() if hasattr(reader, "ReadAllScalarsOn"): reader.ReadAllScalarsOn() reader.Update() return WrapDataObject(reader.GetOutput()) def _build_file_path(self, time: str) -> str: """Create file path VTK file. :param time: snapshot write time :type time: str :return: VTK file location :rtype: str """ return join(self._path, f"{self._prefix}{time}{self._suffix}")
[docs] def load_snapshot(self, field_name: Union[List[str], str], time: Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[List[pt.Tensor], pt.Tensor]: check_list_or_str(field_name, "field_name") check_list_or_str(time, "time") # load multiple fields if isinstance(field_name, list): if isinstance(time, list): snapshots = [ self._create_vtk_reader(self._build_file_path(t)).PointData for t in time ] return [ pt.stack( [pt.tensor(snapshot[name], dtype=self._dtype) for snapshot in snapshots], dim=-1 ) for name in field_name ] else: snapshot = self._create_vtk_reader( self._build_file_path(time)).PointData return [ pt.tensor(snapshot[name], dtype=self._dtype) for name in field_name ] # load single field else: if isinstance(time, list): return pt.stack( [ pt.tensor( self._create_vtk_reader( self._build_file_path(t)).PointData[field_name], dtype=self._dtype ) for t in time ], dim=-1 ) else: return pt.tensor( self._create_vtk_reader(self._build_file_path(time)).PointData[ field_name], dtype=self._dtype )
@ property def write_times(self) -> List[str]: if self._write_times is None: files = glob(self._build_file_path("*")) self._write_times = sorted( [f.split(sep)[-1][len(self._prefix):-len(self._suffix)] for f in files], key=float ) return self._write_times @ property def field_names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: if self._field_names is None: snapshot = self._create_vtk_reader( self._build_file_path(self.write_times[0]) ) self._field_names = dict( {self.write_times[0]: snapshot.PointData.keys()} ) return self._field_names @ property def vertices(self) -> pt.Tensor: snapshot = self._create_vtk_reader( self._build_file_path(self.write_times[0]) ) return pt.tensor(snapshot.Points, dtype=self._dtype) @ property def weights(self) -> pt.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError( "The weights property is not yet implemented.")