Source code for

"""Helper tools to detect and replace outliers in time series data.

# standard library packages
from typing import Callable
# third party packages
import torch as pt

[docs] def iqr_outlier_replacement(data: pt.Tensor, k: float = 1.5, nb: int = 3, replace: Callable = pt.median) -> pt.Tensor: """Detect and replace outliers based on the inter quantile range (IRQ). :param data: time series data; time is expected to be the last dimension :type data: pt.Tensor :param k: factor controlling the detection sensitivity; smaller values increase the sensitivity; defaults to 1.5 :type k: float, optional :param nb: number of neighboring points in time to consider when replacing an outlier; points in the range i-nb:i+nb are considered for each outlier i; defaults to 3 :type nb: int, optional :param replace: function mapping the neighboring values to the value with which to replace the outlier, defaults to pt.median :type replace: Callable, optional :return: clean dataset with the same shape as the input data :rtype: pt.Tensor """ initial_shape = data.shape if len(initial_shape) > 2: data = data.flatten(start_dim=0, end_dim=-2) elif len(initial_shape) == 1: data = data.unsqueeze(-1).T shape = data.shape q25, q75 = pt.quantile(data, 0.25, dim=-1), pt.quantile(data, 0.75, dim=-1) iqr_k = (q75 - q25) * k outliers_low = data < (q25-iqr_k).unsqueeze(-1) outliers_high = data > (q75+iqr_k).unsqueeze(-1) outlier_indices = pt.logical_or( outliers_low, outliers_high).nonzero(as_tuple=True) clean_data = data.clone().detach() print("Detected {:d} outliers ({:3.2f}%).".format( outlier_indices[0].shape[0], outlier_indices[0].shape[0] / (data.shape[0]*data.shape[1]) * 100 )) if outlier_indices[0].shape[0] == 0: print("Nothing to do ...") else: print("Start to replace outliers ...") for row, col in zip(*outlier_indices): i, j = row.item(), col.item() clean_data[i, j] = replace( data[i, max(0, j-nb):min(shape[-1], j+nb+1)]) data = data.reshape(initial_shape) return clean_data.reshape(initial_shape)