Source code for

"""Collection of utilities realted to data and dataloaders."""

# standard library packages
from os.path import exists
from os import sep
from typing import Tuple, List, Union

[docs] def format_byte_size(size: int) -> Tuple[float, str]: """Convert number of bytes into human-readable format. The function is based on `this <>` Stackoverflow question. :param size: size in bytes :type path: int :return: converted size corresponding unit :rtype: tuple(float, str) """ exponent_labels = {0: "b", 1: "Kb", 2: "Mb", 3: "Gb", 4: "Tb", 5: "Pt"} exponent = 0 while size > 1024: size /= 1024 exponent += 1 return size, exponent_labels[exponent]
[docs] def check_and_standardize_path(path: str, folder: bool = True): """Check if path exists and remove trailing slash if present. :param path: path to folder or file :type path: str :param folder: True if path points to folder; False if path points to file :type folder: bool :return: standardized path to file or folder :rtype: str """ if exists(path): if folder and path[-1] == sep: return path[:-1] else: return path else: raise ValueError(f"Could not find {path}")
[docs] def check_list_or_str(arg_value: Union[List[str], str], arg_name: str): """Check if argument is of type list or string. If the input is a list, an additional check is performed to ensure that the list has at list one entry and that all entries are strings. :param arg_value: object to perform the check on :type arg_value: Union[List[str], str] :param arg_name: additional argument name to provide informative error message :param arg_name: str """ message = f"Argument {arg_name} must be a string or a list of strings." if isinstance(arg_value, list): if len(arg_value) < 1: raise ValueError(f"The list {arg_name} must not be empty.") if not all([isinstance(arg, str) for arg in arg_value]): raise ValueError(message) else: if not isinstance(arg_value, str): raise ValueError(message)