Source code for

r"""Direct access to TAU simulation data.

The DRL (Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum) TAU_ code saves
snapshots in the NetCFD format. The :class:`TAUDataloader` is a
wrapper around the NetCFD Python bindings to simplify the access
to snapshot data.

.. _TAU:

# standard library packages
from glob import glob
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union
# third party packages
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import torch as pt
# flowtorch packages
from flowtorch import DEFAULT_DTYPE
from .dataloader import Dataloader
from .utils import check_list_or_str, check_and_standardize_path

IGNORE_FIELDS = ("x", "y", "z", "volume", "global_id")
VERTEX_KEYS = ("points_xc", "points_yc", "points_zc")
WEIGHT_KEY = "volume"

[docs]class TAUDataloader(Dataloader): """Load TAU simulation data. TAU simulations output results in several netCDF files, one for each write time. The mesh is stored in a separated file with the extension *.grd*. Currently, the loader only enables access to field data but not to boundaries. Examples >>> from flowtorch import DATASETS >>> from import TAUDataloader >>> path = DATASETS["tau_backward_facing_step"] >>> loader = TAUDataloader(path, base_name="sol.pval.unsteady_") >>> times = loader.write_times >>> fields = loader.field_names[times[0]] >>> fields ['density', 'x_velocity', 'y_velocity', ...] >>> density = loader.load_snapshot("density", times) >>> density.shape torch.Size([1119348, 10]) """ def __init__(self, path: str, base_name: str, dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE): """Create loader instance from TAU simulation folder. :param path: path to TAU simulation files :type path: str :param base_name: part of the solution file name before iteration count, e.g., base_name_ if the solution file is called base_name_i=0102_t=1.0 :type base_name: str :param dtype: tensor type, defaults to DEFAULT_DTYPE :type dtype: str, optional """ self._path = check_and_standardize_path(path) self._base_name = base_name self._dtype = dtype self._time_iter = self._decompose_file_name() def _find_grid_file(self) -> str: files = glob(f"{self._path}/*.grd") if len(files) < 1: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find mesh file (.grd) in {self._path}/") if len(files) > 1: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Found multiple mesh files (.grd) in {self._path}/") return files[0].split("/")[-1] def _decompose_file_name(self) -> Dict[str, str]: files = glob(f"{self._path}/{self._base_name}i=*t=*") if len(files) < 1: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find solution files in {self._path}/") time_iter = {} for f in files: t = f.split("t=")[-1] i = f.split("i=")[-1].split("_t=")[0] time_iter[t] = i return time_iter def _file_name(self, time: str) -> str: itr = self._time_iter[time] return f"{self._path}/{self._base_name}i={itr}_t={time}" def _load_single_snapshot(self, field_name: str, time: str) -> pt.Tensor: path = self._file_name(time) with Dataset(path) as data: field = pt.tensor(data.variables[field_name][:], dtype=self._dtype) return field
[docs] def load_snapshot(self, field_name: Union[List[str], str], time: Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[List[pt.Tensor], pt.Tensor]: check_list_or_str(field_name, "field_name") check_list_or_str(time, "time") # load multiple fields if isinstance(field_name, list): if isinstance(time, list): return [ pt.stack([self._load_single_snapshot(field, t) for t in time], dim=-1) for field in field_name ] else: return [ self._load_single_snapshot(field, time) for field in field_name ] # load single field else: if isinstance(time, list): return pt.stack( [self._load_single_snapshot(field_name, t) for t in time], dim=-1 ) else: return self._load_single_snapshot(field_name, time)
@property def write_times(self) -> List[str]: return sorted(list(self._time_iter.keys()), key=float) @property def field_names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: self._field_names = {} for time in self.write_times: self._field_names[time] = [] with Dataset(self._file_name(time)) as data: self._field_names[time] = [ key for key in data.variables.keys() if key not in IGNORE_FIELDS ] return self._field_names @property def vertices(self) -> pt.Tensor: path = f"{self._path}/{self._find_grid_file()}" with Dataset(path) as data: vertices = pt.stack( [pt.tensor(data[key][:], dtype=self._dtype) for key in VERTEX_KEYS], dim=-1 ) return vertices @property def weights(self) -> pt.Tensor: path = self._file_name(self.write_times[0]) with Dataset(path) as data: if WEIGHT_KEY in data.variables.keys(): weights = pt.tensor( data.variables[WEIGHT_KEY][:], dtype=self._dtype) else: print(f"Warning: cell volumes not found in file {path}") weights = None return weights