"""Dataloader and accompanying tools to work with CSV files.
A lot of scientific data is exchanged as comma separated value (CSV) files.
While there are many Python packages available to read such data, one has
to understand how the data is organized in the CSV file before being able
to use the readers properly. Moreover, time series data sometimes come as
individual files in a single folder or as time folders with the respective
snapshot data inside that folder. This subpackages simplifies access to
common CSV-based time series data by trying to figure out appropriate reader
settings automatically.
# standard library packages
from glob import glob
import re
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union
# third party packages
import torch as pt
from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame
# flowtorch packages
from flowtorch import DEFAULT_DTYPE
from .dataloader import Dataloader
from .utils import check_and_standardize_path, check_list_or_str
VERTEX_KEY = "vertices"
WEIGHT_KEY = "weights"
FIELD_KEY = "fields"
VERTEX_KEY: ["x", "y"],
WEIGHT_KEY: "isValid",
VERTEX_KEY: ["x", "y", "z"],
FIELD_KEY: ["f", ]
PANDAS_SKIPROWS = "skiprows"
PANDAS_SEP = "sep"
PANDAS_HEADER = "header"
PANDAS_NAMES = "names"
def _parse_davis_header(header: str) -> List[str]:
"""Find column names in DaVis header line.
:param header: header line containing column names
:type header: str
:return: list of column names
:rtype: List[str]
return re.findall('"([^"]*)"', header)
[docs]class CSVDataloader(Dataloader):
"""Load CSV files from different sources.
This class allows to load generic CSV files based on Pandas's `load_csv` function.
Multiple specific formats are supported via class methods.
>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import CSVDataloader
>>> davis_data = DATASETS["csv_aoa8_beta0_xc100_stereopiv"]
>>> loader = CSVDataloader.from_davis(davis_data, "B")
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> times[:5]
['00001', '00002', '00003', '00004', '00005']
>>> loader.field_names
{'00001': ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']}
>>> Vx, Vy, Vz = loader.load_snapshot(['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'], times[:5])
>>> Vx.shape
torch.Size([3741, 5])
>>> foam_data = DATASETS["csv_naca0012_alpha4_surface"]
>>> loader = CSVDataloader.from_foam_surface(foam_data, "total(p)_coeff_airfoil.raw", "cp")
>>> times = loader.write_times
>>> times[:5]
['0.001', '0.002', '0.003', '0.004', '0.005']
>>> loader.field_names
{'0.001': ['cp']}
>>> snapshots = loader.load_snapshot("cp", times[:10])
>>> snapshots.shape
torch.Size([28892, 10])
>>> vertices = loader.vertices
>>> vertices.shape
torch.Size([28892, 3])
>>> vertices[0, :]
tensor([0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00, 4.1706e-18])
def __init__(self, path: str, prefix: str, suffix: str, read_options: dict,
time_folders: bool, dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE):
"""Create a CSVDataloader instance from files or folders.
:param path: path to folder with CSV files or folder with time-subfolders
containing individual CSV files
:type path: str
:param prefix: part of the file name before the time value; used to
find CSV files
:type prefix: str
:param suffix: part of the file name after the time value
:type suffix: str
:param read_options: dictionary holding options for `pandas.read_csv`
:type read_options: dict
:param time_folders: `True` if CSV files are located in individual folders
for each write time
:type time_folders: bool
:param dtype: tensor type, defaults to single precision `torch.float32`
:type dtype: str
self._path = check_and_standardize_path(path)
self._prefix = prefix
self._suffix = suffix
self._read_options = read_options
self._time_folders = time_folders
self._dtype = dtype
self._write_times = self._determine_write_times()
[docs] @classmethod
def from_davis(cls, path: str, prefix: str = "", suffix: str = ".dat", dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE):
"""Create CSVDataloader instance for DaVis_ output files.
.. _DaVis: https://www.lavision.de/en/products/davis-software/
:param path: path to location of time series data
:type path: str
:param prefix: part of the file name before the time/snapshot number; e.g.,
if the file name *B00001.dat*, the prefix is *B*; defaults to empty string
:type prefix: str
:param suffix: part of the file name of the time/snapshot number; e.g.,
if the file name is *B00001.dat*, the suffix is *.dat*; defaults to *.dat*
:type suffix: str
:param dtype: floating point precision; defaults to `pt.float32` (single precision)
:type dtype: str
file_name = sorted(glob(f"{path}/{prefix}*{suffix}"))[0]
with open(file_name, "r") as davis_file:
content = davis_file.readlines()
for line in content:
if line.startswith("VARIABLES"):
column_names = _parse_davis_header(line)
if not set(DAVIS_KEYS[VERTEX_KEY]).issubset(set(column_names)):
print("Warning: DaVis files do not contain vertices")
if not set([DAVIS_KEYS[WEIGHT_KEY]]).issubset(set(column_names)):
print("Warning: DaVis files do not contain isValid mask")
read_options = {
PANDAS_NAMES: column_names,
FIELD_KEY: [col for col in column_names if col not in
return cls(path, prefix, suffix, read_options, False, dtype)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_foam_surface(cls, path: str, file_name: str, field_name: str = None, dtype: str = DEFAULT_DTYPE):
"""Create CSVDataloader instance to load OpenFOAM surface sample data.
The class method simplifies to load data generated by OpenFOAM's
*sampling* function object if the type is set to *surfaces* and the
*surfaceFormat* is set to *raw*. The time series data are stored in
individual time folders. The file name remains the same.
:param path: path to location of time folders
:type path: str
:param file_name: file name of individual CSV files, e.g.,
:type file_name: str
:param field_name: each CSV contains only one field; this parameter
allows to prescribe a descriptive access name; defaults to `None`,
which chooses the generic field name *f*.
:type field_name: str
:param dtype: floating point precision; defaults to `pt.float32` (single precision)
:type dtype: str
field_key = [field_name] if field_name is not None else \
read_options = {
FIELD_KEY: field_key
return cls(path, file_name, "", read_options, True, dtype)
def _build_file_path(self, time: str) -> str:
if self._time_folders:
return f"{self._path}/{time}/{self._prefix}{self._suffix}"
return f"{self._path}/{self._prefix}{time}{self._suffix}"
def _load_csv(self, time: str) -> DataFrame:
file_path = self._build_file_path(time)
options = {key: self._read_options[key] for key in PANDAS_ARGS}
return read_csv(file_path, **options)
def _determine_write_times(self):
if self._time_folders:
folders = glob(f"{self._path}/*")
return sorted(
[folder.split("/")[-1] for folder in folders], key=float
files = glob(self._build_file_path("*"))
return sorted(
for f in files], key=float
[docs] def load_snapshot(self,
field_name: Union[List[str], str],
time: Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[List[pt.Tensor], pt.Tensor]:
check_list_or_str(field_name, "field_name")
check_list_or_str(time, "time")
# load multiple fields
if isinstance(field_name, list):
if isinstance(time, list):
snapshots = [self._load_csv(t) for t in time]
return [
[pt.tensor(snapshot[field].values, dtype=self._dtype)
for snapshot in snapshots], dim=-1
) for field in field_name
snapshot = self._load_csv(time)
return [
pt.tensor(snapshot[field].values, dtype=self._dtype)
for field in field_name
# load single field
if isinstance(time, list):
snapshots = [self._load_csv(t) for t in time]
return pt.stack(
[pt.tensor(snapshot[field_name].values, dtype=self._dtype)
for snapshot in snapshots], dim=-1
snapshot = self._load_csv(time)
return pt.tensor(
snapshot[field_name].values, dtype=self._dtype
def write_times(self) -> List[str]:
return self._write_times
def field_names(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
return dict(
{self.write_times[0]: self._read_options[FIELD_KEY]}
def vertices(self) -> pt.Tensor:
snapshot = self._load_csv(self._write_times[0])
return pt.tensor(
snapshot[self._read_options[VERTEX_KEY]].values, dtype=self._dtype
def weights(self) -> pt.Tensor:
weight_key = self._read_options[WEIGHT_KEY]
snapshot = self._load_csv(self._write_times[0])
if weight_key is not None:
return pt.tensor(
snapshot[weight_key].values, dtype=self._dtype
shape = snapshot[self._read_options[FIELD_KEY]].values.shape
return pt.ones(shape[0], dtype=self._dtype)