Source code for flowtorch.analysis.hooptdmd

"""Higher-order optimized DMD version.

# standard library packages
from typing import Set
# third party packages
import torch as pt
# flowtorch packages
from .svd import SVD
from .optdmd import OptDMD
from .hodmd import _create_time_delays

[docs] class HOOptDMD(OptDMD): """Optimized DMD extended with data projection and time delay embedding. :param OptDMD: Optimized DMD base class :type OptDMD: `flowtorch.analysis.OptDMD` """ def __init__(self, data_matrix: pt.Tensor, dt: float, delay: int = 1, rank_dr: int = None, **dmd_options: dict): """Project data on POD basis and create time delay embedding. :param data_matrix: data matrix with snapshots organized as column vectors :type data_matrix: pt.Tensor :param dt: time step between two consecutive snapshots :type dt: float :param delay: number of time delay (history), defaults to 1 (no time delays) :type delay: int, optional :param rank_dr: number of POD modes to project the data on; an optimal value is determined by the `SVD` instance if None; defaults to None :type rank_dr: int, optional """ self._dm_org = data_matrix self._rows_org, self._cols_org = data_matrix.shape self._svd_dr = SVD(data_matrix, rank_dr) self._delay = delay super(HOOptDMD, self).__init__( _create_time_delays(self._svd_dr.U.T @ self._dm_org, delay), dt, **dmd_options )
[docs] def partial_reconstruction(self, mode_indices: Set[int]) -> pt.Tensor: modes = self.modes mode_mask = pt.zeros(modes.shape[1], dtype=modes.dtype) mode_indices = pt.tensor(list(mode_indices), dtype=pt.int64) mode_mask[mode_indices] = 1.0 rec = (modes * mode_mask) @ self.dynamics if not self._dmd._complex: rec = rec.real return rec
[docs] def predict(self, initial_condition: pt.Tensor, n_steps: int) -> pt.Tensor: """Predict evolution over N steps starting from used-defined initial conditions. The prediction is performed as follows: 1) the initial conditions are projected on the first r POD modes 2) the time delay embedding is computed in the reduced space 3) the prediction is computed in the reduced space 4) the first r rows of the prediction are reconstructed :param initial_condition: initial sequence of state vectors without time delay embedding; for d delays and a state vector of size M, the initial conditions should be given as a M x d matrix sorted such that the most recent state is contained in the last column :type initial_condition: pt.Tensor :param n_steps: number of future steps to predict :type n_steps: int :return: predicted states; due to the structure of the linear operator some states are predicted multiple times; only the first M rows of the reconstruction are returned :rtype: pt.Tensor """ ic = self.svd_dr.U.T @ initial_condition ic = _create_time_delays(ic, self._delay, 1).squeeze() prediction = super().predict(ic, n_steps) r = self.svd_dr.rank return self.svd_dr.U @ prediction[-r:]
@property def dynamics(self) -> pt.Tensor: vander = pt.linalg.vander(self.eigvals, N=self._cols_org) return pt.diag(self.amplitude.type(vander.dtype)) @ vander @property def modes(self): modes = self.eigvecs / self.amplitude r = self._svd_dr.rank return self._svd_dr.U.type(modes.dtype) @ modes[:r] @property def reconstruction(self) -> pt.Tensor: rec = self.modes @ self.dynamics if not self._dmd._complex: rec = rec.real return rec @property def reconstruction_error(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._dm_org - self.reconstruction @property def svd_dr(self) -> SVD: return self._svd_dr