"""Helper tools for building data matrices."""
# standard library packages
from typing import List
# third party packages
import torch as pt
[docs]def mask_box(vertices: pt.Tensor,
lower: List[float],
upper: List[float]) -> pt.Tensor:
"""Create a boolean mask to select all vertices in a box.
This function may be used in conjunction with torch.masked_select to select
all field values in a box, e.g., when building data matrices.
:param vertices: tensor of vertices, where each column corresponds to a coordinate
:type vertices: pt.Tensor
:param lower: lower bounds of box; one value for each coordinate must be given
:type lower: List[float]
:param upper: upper bounds of box; one value for each coordinate must be given
:type upper: List[float]
:return: boolean mask that's *True* for every vertex inside the box
:rtype: pt.Tensor
assert len(
vertices.shape) < 3, "The vertices tensor cannot have more than two axes."
dim_message = "Exactly one lower and upper bound must be given for each coordinate."
if len(vertices.shape) == 1:
assert len(lower) == len(upper) == 1, dim_message
return pt.logical_and(
pt.where(vertices >= lower[0], True, False),
pt.where(vertices <= upper[0], True, False)
assert vertices.shape[1] == len(lower) == len(upper), dim_message
return pt.all(
pt.where(vertices >= pt.tensor(lower), True, False),
pt.where(vertices <= pt.tensor(upper), True, False)
[docs]def mask_sphere(vertices: pt.Tensor,
center: List[float],
radius: float) -> pt.Tensor:
"""Create a boolean mask to select all vertices in a sphere.
This function may be used in conjunction with torch.masked_select to select
all field values within a sphere, e.g., when building data matrices.
:param vertices: tensor of vertices, where each column corresponds to a coordinate
:type vertices: pt.Tensor
:param center: the sphere's center
:type center: List[float]
:param radius: the sphere's radius
:type radius: float
:return: boolean mask that's *True* for every vertex inside the sphere
:rtype: pt.Tensor
center = pt.tensor(center)
assert len(
vertices.shape) < 3, "The vertices tensor cannot have more than two axes."
if len(vertices.shape) == 1:
assert len(center) == 1
radii = pt.abs(vertices - center)
assert vertices.shape[1] == center.shape[0], \
"Missmatch between number of vertices and center coordinates."
radii = pt.linalg.norm(vertices - center, dim=1)
return pt.where(radii <= radius, True, False)