"""Classes and functions wrapping around *torch.linalg.svd*.
# standard library packages
from math import sqrt
from typing import Tuple, Union
# third party packages
import torch as pt
# flowtorch packages
from flowtorch.data.utils import format_byte_size
[docs]def inexact_alm_matrix_complection(data_matrix: pt.Tensor, sparsity: float = 1.0,
tol: float = 1.0e-6, max_iter: int = 100,
verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor]:
"""Split a data matrix in low rank and sparse contributions.
This function implements the *inexact augmented Lagrange multiplier
matrix completion* algorithm to solve the *principal component pursuit*
problem. The implementation is based on the Matlab code of Isabel Scherl
(link_), which is in turn based on the LRSLibrary_.
.. _link: https://github.com/ischerl/RPCA-PIV/blob/master/functions/inexact_alm_rpca.m
.. _LRSLibrary: https://github.com/andrewssobral/lrslibrary
:param data_matrix: input data matrix; snapshots must be
organized as column vectors
:type data_matrix: pt.Tensor
:param sparsity: factor to compute Lagrangian multiplyer for sparsity
(typically named *lambda*); lower values lead to more agressive
:type sparsity: float, optional
:param tol: tolerance for the normalized Frobenius norm of the difference
between original data and the sum of low rank and sparse contributions;
defaults to 1.0e-6
:type tol: float, optional
:param max_iter: maximum number of iteration before to give up, defaults to 100
:type max_iter: int, optional
:param verbose: residual is printed for every iteration if True;
defaults to False
:type verbose: bool, optional
:return: tuple holding the low rank and the sparse matrices
:rtype: Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor]
row, col = data_matrix.shape
lambda_0 = sparsity / sqrt(row)
# low rank and sparse matices
L, S = pt.zeros_like(data_matrix), pt.zeros_like(data_matrix)
# matrix of Lagrange multipliers
Y = data_matrix.detach().clone()
norm_two = pt.linalg.svdvals(Y)[0].item()
norm_inf = pt.linalg.norm(Y, float("inf")).item()
dual_norm = max(norm_two, norm_inf)
Y /= dual_norm
# more hyperparameters
mu = 1.25 / norm_two
norm_data = pt.linalg.norm(data_matrix)
sv = 10
rho = 1.5
for i in range(max_iter):
temp = data_matrix - L + Y/mu
S = pt.maximum(temp - lambda_0/mu, pt.tensor(0.0))
S += pt.minimum(temp + lambda_0/mu, pt.tensor(0.0))
U, s, VH = pt.linalg.svd(data_matrix - S + Y/mu, full_matrices=False)
# truncate SVD
svp = s[s > 1.0/mu].shape[0]
if svp < sv:
sv = min(svp+1, col)
sv = min(svp + round(0.05*col), col)
L = U[:, :svp] @ pt.diag(s[:svp] - 1.0/mu) @ VH[:svp, :]
# print(L[0,:])
# Z is the residual matrix
Z = data_matrix - L - S
# update Lagrange multipliers
Y += mu*Z
mu = min(mu*rho, mu*1.0e7)
# check convergence
residual = pt.linalg.norm(Z) / norm_data
if residual < tol:
print(f"Inexact ALM converged after {i+1} iterations")
print("Final residual: {:2.4e}".format(residual))
return L, S
if verbose:
print("Residual after iteration {:5d}: {:10.4e}".format(
i+1, residual.item()))
print(f"Inexact ALM did not converge within {max_iter} iterations")
print("Final residual: {:10.4e}".format(residual))
return L, S
[docs]class SVD(object):
"""Compute and analyze the SVD of a data matrix.
:param U: left singular vectors
:type U: pt.Tensor
:param s: singular values
:type s: pt.Tensor
:param s_rel: singular values normalized with their sum in percent
:type s_rel: pt.Tensor
:param s_cum: cumulative normalized singular values in percent
:type s_cum: pt.Tensor
:param V: right singular values
:type V: pt.Tensor
:param L: low rank contribution to data matrix
:type L: pt.Tensor
:param S: sparse contribution to data matrix
:type S: pt.Tensor
:param robust: data_matrix is split into low rank and sparse contributions
if True or if dictionary with options for Inexact ALM algorithm; the SVD
is computed only on the low rank matrix; defaults to False
:type robust: Union[bool,dict]
:param rank: rank used for truncation
:type rank: int
:param opt_rank: optimal rank according to SVHT
:type opt_rank: int
:param required_memory: memory required to store the truncation U, s, and V
:type required_memory: int
>>> from flowtorch import DATASETS
>>> from flowtorch.data import FOAMDataloader
>>> from flowtorch.analysis import SVD
>>> loader = FOAMDataloader(DATASETS["of_cavity_ascii"])
>>> data = loader.load_snapshot("p", loader.write_times[1:])
>>> svd = SVD(data, rank=100)
>>> print(svd)
SVD of a 400x5 data matrix
Selected/optimal rank: 5/2
data type: torch.float32 (4b)
truncated SVD size: 7.9297Kb
>>> svd.s_rel
tensor([9.9969e+01, 3.0860e-02, 3.0581e-04, 7.8097e-05, 3.2241e-05])
>>> svd.s_cum
tensor([ 99.9687, 99.9996, 99.9999, 100.0000, 100.0000])
>>> svd.U.shape
torch.Size([400, 5])
>>> svd = SVD(data, rank=100, robust=True)
>>> svd.L.shape
torch.Size([400, 5])
>>> svd = SVD(data, rank=100, robust={"sparsity" : 1.0, "verbose" : True, "max_iter" : 100})
>>> svd.S.shape
torch.Size([400, 5])
def __init__(self, data_matrix: pt.Tensor, rank: int = None,
robust: Union[bool, dict] = False):
shape = data_matrix.shape
assert len(shape) == 2, (
f"The data matrix must be a 2D tensor.\
The provided data matrix has {len(shape)} dimensions."
self._rows, self._cols = shape
self._robust = robust
if bool(self._robust):
if isinstance(robust, dict):
L, S = inexact_alm_matrix_complection(data_matrix, **robust)
L, S = inexact_alm_matrix_complection(data_matrix)
self._L, self._S = L, S
U, s, VH = pt.linalg.svd(L, full_matrices=False)
self._L, self._S = None, None
U, s, VH = pt.linalg.svd(data_matrix, full_matrices=False)
self._opt_rank = self._optimal_rank(s)
self.rank = self.opt_rank if rank is None else rank
self._U = U[:, :self.rank]
self._s = s[:self.rank]
self._V = VH.conj().T[:, :self.rank]
def _optimal_rank(self, s: pt.Tensor) -> int:
"""Compute the optimal singular value hard threshold.
This function implements the svht_ rank estimation.
.. _svht: https://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2014.2323359
:param s: sorted singular values
:type s: pt.Tensor
:return: optimal rank for truncation
:rtype: int
beta = min(self._rows, self._cols) / max(self._rows, self._cols)
omega = 0.56*beta**3 - 0.95*beta**2 + 1.82*beta + 1.43
tau_star = omega * pt.median(s)
closest = pt.argmin((s - tau_star).abs()).item()
if s[closest] > tau_star:
return closest + 1
return closest
[docs] def reconstruct(self, rank: int = None) -> pt.Tensor:
"""Reconstruct the data matrix for a given rank.
:param rank: rank used to compute a truncated reconstruction
:type rank: int, optional
:return: reconstruction of the input data matrix
:rtype: pt.Tensor
r_rank = self.rank if rank is None else max(min(rank, self.rank), 1)
return self.U[:, :r_rank] @ pt.diag(self.s[:r_rank]) @ self.V[:, :r_rank].conj().T
def U(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._U
def s(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._s
def s_rel(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._s / self._s.sum() * 100.0
def s_cum(self) -> pt.Tensor:
s_sum = self._s.sum().item()
return pt.tensor(
[self._s[:i].sum().item() / s_sum *
100.0 for i in range(1, self._s.shape[0]+1)],
def V(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._V
def L(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._L
def S(self) -> pt.Tensor:
return self._S
def robust(self) -> Union[bool, dict]:
return self._robust
def rank(self) -> int:
return self._rank
def rank(self, value: int):
self._rank = max(min(self._cols, value), 1)
def opt_rank(self) -> int:
return self._opt_rank
def required_memory(self) -> int:
"""Compute the memory size in bytes of the truncated SVD.
:return: cumulative size of truncated U, s, and V tensors in bytes
:rtype: int
return (self.U.element_size() * self.U.nelement() +
self.s.element_size() * self.s.nelement() +
self.V.element_size() * self.V.nelement())
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}(data_matrix, rank={self.rank})"
def __str__(self) -> str:
ms = []
ms.append(f"SVD of a {self._rows}x{self._cols} data matrix")
ms.append(f"Selected/optimal rank: {self.rank}/{self.opt_rank}")
ms.append(f"data type: {self.U.dtype} ({self.U.element_size()}b)")
size, unit = format_byte_size(self.required_memory)
ms.append("truncated SVD size: {:1.4f}{:s}".format(size, unit))
return "\n".join(ms)