Source code for flowtorch.analysis.dmd

"""Classes and functions to compute the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) of a data matrix.

# standard library packages
from typing import Tuple, Set, Union
# third party packages
import torch as pt
from numpy import pi
# flowtorch packages
from .svd import SVD
from import format_byte_size

[docs]class DMD(object): """Class computing the exact DMD of a data matrix. Currently, no advanced mode selection algorithms are implemented. The mode amplitudes are computed using the first snapshot. Examples >>> from flowtorch import DATASETS >>> from import FOAMDataloader >>> from flowtorch.analysis import DMD >>> path = DATASETS["of_cavity_binary"] >>> loader = FOAMDataloader(path) >>> data_matrix = loader.load_snapshot("p", loader.write_times) >>> dmd = DMD(data_matrix, dt=0.1, rank=3) >>> dmd.frequency tensor([0., 5., 0.]) >>> dmd.growth_rate tensor([-2.3842e-06, -4.2345e+01, -1.8552e+01]) >>> dmd.amplitude tensor([10.5635+0.j, -0.0616+0.j, -0.0537+0.j]) >>> dmd = DMD(data_matrix, dt=0.1, rank=3, robust=True) >>> dmd = DMD(data_matrix, dt=0.1, rank=3, robust={"tol": 1.0e-5, "verbose" : True}) """ def __init__(self, data_matrix: pt.Tensor, dt: float, rank: int = None, robust: Union[bool, dict] = False, unitary: bool = False, optimal: bool = False, tlsq=False): """Create DMD instance based on data matrix and time step. :param data_matrix: data matrix whose columns are formed by the individual snapshots :type data_matrix: pt.Tensor :param dt: time step between two snapshots :type dt: float :param rank: rank for SVD truncation, defaults to None :type rank: int, optional :param robust: data_matrix is split into low rank and sparse contributions if True or if dictionary with options for Inexact ALM algorithm; the SVD is computed only on the low rank matrix :type robust: Union[bool,dict] :param unitary: enforce the linear operator to be unitary; refer to piDMD_ by Peter Baddoo for more information :type unitary: bool, optional :param optimal: compute mode amplitudes based on a least-squares problem as described in spDMD_ article by M. Janovic et al. (2014); in contrast to the original spDMD implementation, the exact DMD modes are used in the optimization problem as outlined in an article_ by R. Taylor :type optimal: bool, optional :param tlsq: de-biasing of the linear operator by solving a total least-squares problem instead of a standard least-squares problem; the rank is selected automatically or specified by the `rank` parameter; more information can be found in the TDMD_ article by M. Hemati et al. :type tlsq: bool, optional .. _piDMD: .. _spDMD: .. _article: .. _TDMD: """ self._dm = data_matrix self._dt = dt self._unitary = unitary self._optimal = optimal self._tlsq = tlsq if self._tlsq: svd = SVD(pt.vstack((self._dm[:, :-1], self._dm[:, 1:])), rank, robust) P = svd.V @ svd.V.conj().T self._X = self._dm[:, :-1] @ P self._Y = self._dm[:, 1:] @ P self._svd = SVD(self._X, svd.rank) del svd else: self._svd = SVD(self._dm[:, :-1], rank, robust) self._X = self._dm[:, :-1] self._Y = self._dm[:, 1:] self._eigvals, self._eigvecs, self._modes = self._compute_mode_decomposition() self._amplitude = self._compute_amplitudes() def _compute_operator(self): """Compute the approximate linear (DMD) operator. """ if self._unitary: Xp = self._svd.U.conj().T @ self._X Yp = self._svd.U.conj().T @ self._Y U, _, VT = pt.linalg.svd(Yp @ Xp.conj().T, full_matrices=False) return U @ VT else: s_inv = pt.diag(1.0 / self._svd.s) return self._svd.U.conj().T @ self._Y @ self._svd.V @ s_inv def _compute_mode_decomposition(self): """Compute reduced operator, eigen-decomposition, and DMD modes. """ s_inv = pt.diag(1.0 / self._svd.s) operator = self._compute_operator() val, vec = pt.linalg.eig(operator) phi = ( self._Y.type(val.dtype) @ self._svd.V.type(val.dtype) @ s_inv.type(val.dtype) @ vec ) return val, vec, phi def _compute_amplitudes(self): """Compute amplitudes for exact DMD modes. If *optimal* is False, the amplitudes are computed based on the first snapshot in the data matrix; otherwise, a least-squares problem as introduced by Janovic et al. is solved (refer to the documentation in the constructor for more information). """ if self._optimal: vander = pt.vander(self.eigvals, self._dm.shape[-1], True) P = (self.modes.conj().T @ self.modes) * \ (vander @ vander.conj().T).conj() q = pt.diag(vander @ self._dm.type(P.dtype).conj().T @ self.modes).conj() else: P = self._modes q = self._X[:, 0].type(P.dtype) return pt.linalg.lstsq(P, q).solution
[docs] def partial_reconstruction(self, mode_indices: Set[int]) -> pt.Tensor: """Reconstruct data matrix with limited number of modes. :param mode_indices: mode indices to keep :type mode_indices: Set[int] :return: reconstructed data matrix :rtype: pt.Tensor """ rows, cols = self.modes.shape mode_mask = pt.zeros(cols, dtype=pt.complex64) mode_indices = pt.tensor(list(mode_indices), dtype=pt.int64) mode_mask[mode_indices] = 1.0 reconstruction = (self.modes * mode_mask) @ self.dynamics if self._dm.dtype in (pt.complex128, pt.complex64, pt.complex32): return reconstruction.type(self._dm.dtype) else: return reconstruction.real.type(self._dm.dtype)
[docs] def top_modes(self, n: int = 10, integral: bool = False) -> pt.Tensor: """Get the indices of the first n most important modes. Note that the conjugate complex modes for real data matrices are not filtered out. :param n: number of indices to return; defaults to 10 :type n: int :param integral: if True, the modes are sorted according to their integral contribution; defaults to False :type integral: bool, optional :return: indices of top n modes sorted by amplitude or integral contribution :rtype: pt.Tensor """ importance = self.integral_contribution if integral else self.amplitude n = min(n, importance.shape[0]) return importance.abs().topk(n).indices
@property def required_memory(self) -> int: """Compute the memory size in bytes of the DMD. :return: cumulative size of SVD, eigen values/vectors, and DMD modes in bytes :rtype: int """ return (self._svd.required_memory + self._eigvals.element_size() * self._eigvals.nelement() + self._eigvecs.element_size() * self._eigvecs.nelement() + self._modes.element_size() * self._modes.nelement()) @property def svd(self) -> SVD: return self._svd @property def operator(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._compute_operator() @property def modes(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._modes @property def eigvals(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._eigvals @property def eigvecs(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._eigvecs @property def frequency(self) -> pt.Tensor: return pt.log(self._eigvals).imag / (2.0 * pi * self._dt) @property def growth_rate(self) -> pt.Tensor: return (pt.log(self._eigvals) / self._dt).real @property def amplitude(self) -> pt.Tensor: return self._amplitude @property def dynamics(self) -> pt.Tensor: return pt.diag(self.amplitude) @ pt.vander(self.eigvals, self._dm.shape[-1], True) @property def integral_contribution(self) -> pt.Tensor: """Integral contribution of individual modes according to J. Kou et al. 2017. DOI: """ return self.modes.norm(dim=0)**2 * self.dynamics.abs().sum(dim=1) @property def reconstruction(self) -> pt.Tensor: """Reconstruct an approximation of the training data. :return: reconstructed training data :rtype: pt.Tensor """ if self._dm.dtype in (pt.complex128, pt.complex64, pt.complex32): return (self._modes @ self.dynamics).type(self._dm.dtype) else: return (self._modes @ self.dynamics).real.type(self._dm.dtype) @property def reconstruction_error(self) -> pt.Tensor: """Compute the reconstruction error. :return: difference between reconstruction and data matrix :rtype: pt.Tensor """ return self.reconstruction - self._dm @property def projection_error(self) -> pt.Tensor: """Compute the difference between Y and AX. :return: projection error :rtype: pt.Tensor """ YH = (self.modes @ pt.diag(self.eigvals)) @ \ (pt.linalg.pinv(self.modes) @ self._X.type(self.modes.dtype)) if self._Y.dtype in (pt.complex128, pt.complex64, pt.complex32): return YH - self._Y else: return YH.real.type(self._Y.dtype) - self._Y @property def tlsq_error(self) -> Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor]: """Compute the *noise* in X and Y. :return: noise in X and Y :rtype: Tuple[pt.Tensor, pt.Tensor] """ if not self._tlsq: print("Warning: noise is only removed if tlsq=True") return self._dm[:, :-1] - self._X, self._dm[:, 1:] - self._Y def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}(data_matrix, rank={self._svd.rank})" def __str__(self): ms = ["SVD:", str(self.svd), "LSQ:"] size, unit = format_byte_size(self.required_memory) ms.append("Overall DMD size: {:1.4f}{:s}".format(size, unit)) return "\n".join(ms)